Saturday, August 11, 2012

Yada This, Yada That

God has really been working on my heart in my prayer life since I've started reading the "Yada Yada Prayer Group" book series. I know it seems silly that a Christian Novel would be something God would speak through, but truely these books have inspired me to go beyond my normal comfort zone when it comes to prayer.

I remember back in May going to a women's breakfast at my old church and a friend of mine said she was starting a book study on "The Yada Yada Prayer Group" and it didn't stop there. She also addressed the importance of prayer and how the Lord had been working on her heart about that. I didn't understand the connection.

How can a novel really challenge your prayer life to become more intimate? Turns out, the small library in my po-dunk town has ALL of the "Yada Yada" books, so - out of curiosity  - I borrowed the first one. I admit, I wasn't too interested at first, but the faith these women show in their prayer lives and the way they pray makes you hunger for it in your own life. Yes, they're fictional characters, but the things they pray about are things that others around me or even I myself have experienced. It's an encouragement to read about a main character who struggles with her prayer life and learns to step out of her comfort zone to experience grace, freedom, joy, peace, mercy, and every gift the Father can give while maturing spiritually.

The issues raised are so real and genuine that I can't help but think of certain people in my life as I read these books. Don't get me wrong, I'm no expert at praying in the Psalms, having a "quiet time" every day, or praising the Lord the way these ladies do (which is with child-like abandon!)... but I want to try. And you know what? I think that's exactly what the Lord wants us to do...

"O taste and see
That the Lord is good
O taste and see
That the Lord is good to me

You've turned my mourning
Into dancing
Put off my rags and clothed me with gladness
And I will arise and I will praise you
I'll sing and not be silent

O Lord, My God
I will give thanks to you forever
O Lord, My God
I will give thanks to you

And I'll live only for you
And I'll lift these hands up to you
And I'll dance before you
I will shout it, I will shout it to you"

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